Mrs. Chandana Das

Teacher – in – Charge

Interact in a service and social club for young people of 14-18 age group. Each club is sponsored by a Rotary Club, Which guides the Interactors in developing local and international service projects. Interact derives its name from the words ‘’international’’ and ‘’action’’, reflecting the nature of an organization that exists in 110 countries and promotes active service at home and abroad. Interact clubs are self-governing and self-supporting, offering many opportunities for members to develop valuable leadership and teamwork skills.

In our school we have started an Interact-Club in the year 2011-2012 under the sponsorship of Rotary Club of Shillong. Many students from class VIII, IX and X joined the club voluntarily. The club carries out local service projects that benefits its community and school, such as tree plantation, cleaning of school compound and visits to orphanages and homeless shelters etc. In our school, we try to take up at least two projects in one academic year and the members of the club take part in the projects with youthful enthusiasm and happiness. Other students also join cheerfully.