Rules & Regulations

1. All Students must be in the School premises by 9:00 a.m. for the Assembly.

2. Late comers should get a written permission from the Principal.

3. Any student who is absent from school must produce a Leave Application from her Parent.

4. The school uniform is compulsory on all class days and at school functions.

5. Student who do not have at least 80% attendance will not be allowed to appear in the school examinations.

6. All Students should well-behaved at all times inside as well as outside the Class Room.

7. Students should not deface any Class Room, School Building and School Campus.

8. Smoking, Chewing betel nut, consuming alcohol or drugs are strictly prohibited on the school Campus. An offence will result in immediate expulsion.

9. Students should not bring any mobile phone, magazine or story book to school.

10. During Lunch Break all students should remain within the School Campus.

11. If any student is caught resorting to unfair means in the examination will be expelled from school.

12. No student shall leave the school premises without the permission of the principal.

13. No half holiday is granted to any student in any case.

14. Sick children should not be sent to school.

15. Any communication should be addressed only to the Principal.