
Management: - The school is being managed by an MC consisting of 12 Members including the President, which is reconstituted in every 3 years. Managing Committee meetings are held often discuss and resolve various issues of the school that arise from time to time.

Source of Income: - The school is under deficit grant in aid system and receives Govt. grant for meeting the staff salary.

Tuition Fee: - We collect a nominal tuition fee of Rs. 3/- and Rs. 4/- per month from non-tribal students from class VII to X. Besides we collect a sum of Rs.2200/- as annual fees, to meet the expenditures for games and sports, Prize meetings, Examinations, repairing and painting of the school building, buying books for Library, helping students below poverty lines, Red cross, Guide, Union, Magazine and other contingencies, etc. For new admission total fees for whole year is about Rs. 3500/-.

Managing Committee:- Tenure of present managing Committee is 07/07/2018 to 06/07/2018.

President: Dr. Sanjeeb Kakoty

Secretary: Smti. V. Dipali Sharma Rao

Joint Secretary: Smti. Thelina Swer

Teacher’s Representatives:

  1. Smti. Chandana Das
  2. Dr. Jonali Sharma

Guardian’s Representatives:

  1. Mrs. T. Kynta
  2. Shri Satindra Hajong

Nominated Members:

  1. Shri Jayanta Khound
  2. Shri Subhash Chandra Saha
  3. Dr. Bijay Krishna Handique
  4. Shri Hasib Ahsan

Donor’s Member: Smti. Sita Rapshang