Red Cross Unit in School

Red Cross Unit in School

Mrs. Juthika De


Laban Assamese Girls’ is a part of Indian Red Cross Society. Being a part of it, we participate in various activities throughout the year. Teachers’ along with the students (the Junior Red Cross- JRC ) had undergone various First Aid Training conducted by IRC which focusses to prepare the students to help the victims during any type of disaster. The JRCs also participate in cleaning drive campaign every year.

In the year 2016, on the World Environment Day is 5th June, the JRCs in collaboration with two neighbouring schools---Madan Laban Nepali Secondary School and Raid Laban School took the initiative to clean the neighbouring areas of Namghar Complex and the Road side areas. Every year on the 8th of May, the JRCs are taken to the Raj Bhawan for the celebration of World Red Cross Day.

In pursuit of this, various campaigns and projects are undertaken to make the JRC unit more active and dedicative towards the service of mankind across the globe.